Of course, the very definition of a sales funnel assumes that the number of customers will decrease at each stage. Nevertheless, your job is to work through all the stages and improve conversion rates at each one so that as many people as possible move on to the next stage.
In our example, the lowest conversion rate was at the consultation stage - out of 100 service requests, only a quarter of customers registered. Therefore, it's the manager's work on bookings that will be the bottleneck. As soon as your studio detects such a problem, you should start taking action, such as minimizing customer inquiries to only one place (inquiries only on Instagram or through a platform like INKsearch.co), training the manager, or systematically checking messages. Such actions can maximize your performance from 30, even to 75%!
How to increase conversions at different stages of the sales funnel in tattoo studios?
Although a separate sales funnel should be formed for each objective you want to achieve in your tattoo studio, the main stages of each will be similar... With these strategies, you can increase conversions at each stage and eventually make more sales.